About This Blog

This blog is just a window to my life. It is a medium to express myself, my thoughts and my experiences.This blog is not about the CET or how one goes about studying for it or about me or anyone topping it. It just refers to the CET as a significant event in my life and how everything led upto this event and how life goes on after this almost as if nothing ever happened.
Note this blog recounts all significant events from April 2008 onwards.
Please feel free to leave comments and tell me what you feel about my posts.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

How to not let CET whip your a*s

Okay so under popular demand im putting up this page for general CET guidelines.
All of youl must keep in mind that everyone is not the same so your level of intelligence, ability of studying, amount of time you can give to it, etc. varies so apply appropriate changes as you feel for this is just an overall strategy and does not necesarrily reflect entirely the way I studied or the way everyone must study. Your teachers know you personally and thus are your best judges.
So here goes:-
Make sure ALL CONCEPTS are crystal clear. According to me that’s the most important thing. I couldn’t do rote learning so it was utmost necessary for me and I guess that kinda became my advantage.

Have a aim and have something to motivate you towards it. Unless you have an aim which you really want you wont want to give your best for it and if you do then the work you do for it wont be work any more.
Have some person, some thing or some quote motivate you to your aim everyday. Everytime you feel you’ve had enough resort to it.
I never had the aim of topping CET. I knew I could do it if I want but then why bother. Even if I don’t work so hard il yet manage to get like a 190 or something and anyways I want civil engineering so how does it even matter. Or so I thought until my physics sir (Professor Ravi) along with my chemistry sir (Professor Kolambekar) changed my view. He was like you have it in you, you really can do well but your not studying, you just don’t want to work so hard which was true. Ravi Sir said “People shouldn’t say he took civil engineering because he just got those many marks they should be like Oh! He gets like 199 and then he takes civil. It shows your confidence in yourself and your choice” And I did it. A lot of credit for my success goes to my teachers (especially Ravi Sir who always spurred me on). So always see what they have to say about you, if youl be interested then they will be.

Major question- How much should I study?
Well the ideal time varies from person to person. What someone can achieve in two hours someone else may 4. But ideally as its almost December now a minimum of 6 hours should do you good. Surely the more the better but too much will just end up making you saturated and youl end up hating it because there are yet almost 6 months to go.
See it goes like this- to some extent HSC is pretty helpful for CET. Like for chemistry more then half of it is just facts and theory and reactions so you just have to read and read and fit it into your brain so it works both for CET and HSC. As for numericals do the CET numericals, understand the concepts behind them and youl do fine for the HSC ones. Its just that HSC you have to write all the steps and that’s where I used to suck so keep the methods in mind. As for physics reading the theory helps clearing out your concepts. Understanding what your studying is really helpful and is your best gain. Numericals the same as for chemistry. Maths again HSC creates a base for you, you just have to solve them faster in CET and try to use shortcuts.
So at the moment before HSC concentrate on clearing out ur concepts and theory so that later after it you can concentrate just on numericals and LBH’s. So don’t think of HSC as anything different just treat it as part of studying with the major aim of CET.

Sleep- Its like this your life is soon gonna have just three aims- sleep, study and eat. Mind you I placed sleep first.
Sleep as much as you can now for later ur gonna end up staying up late. I could never do without 9 hours till the end which maybe a little extra but I feel 7 is needed.

Breaks- No one can study 24 hours. Seriously dude you need to get out of that corner, throw aways your books for a while and just go out play a game of football. For me it used to be a game of squash and swimming every evening which I couldn’t do without.
My advice is to keep atleast half an hour a day for some activity. If nothing just grab a good collection of songs and go jog, you really will feel better and refreshed after it.
Chuck facebook, tv and stuff rather meet friends or go play in that much time.

For physics-
Navneet (both really necessary acc to me)
Target ( I would do either one of them but both better)

I concentrated entirely on theory coz that was my weak point.
But as for numericals and all
And there was also Seth publications (but I never really did that)
I found the work given by Babu Sir more then enough but Marvell is suggested.

Otherwise have fun, life is to enjoy. CET is not the end of the world its just to get admission into a college of which all are crappy anyways so always look at the big picture.
                   So best of luck guys do well.
                     Lifes a journey enjoy it.
                                                             Signing of,
                                                            Shronit Ladhani

1 comment:

  1. I don't know why I read this ...
    But you've got some pretty good stuff in there .
    Keep up the good work :)
