It was a few days after my Std. 10th board exams and instead of partying all day there I was at 7 in the morning looking at this fellow teaching vectors to a cramped class of more than a hundred students sitting on benches arranged so close that the knee of the guy behind you constantly pokes your ass. Welcome to Pace.

So well this is how it went on for about a month attending lectures in the morning, and then studying and going out a bit including my daily evening swim. It was all ok didn’t really think the studying was a big deal as I had just come out of the 10th exams so a few hours a day didn’t feel that much. What did this lead to was a gradual decay of my contact with my school friends. I didn’t realize this much at that time but I do know when I think of my friendship with Saarth as well as the others.

Then in May I went for a vacation to Sikkim. Beautiful place I must say. Scenic rivers, deep gorges, towering mountains and lovely wather and above all a nice break from the daily routine. However while enjoying all this there were also the darting thoughts of my 10th ICSE results. I was not really worried or tensed about them as I thought I had done decently well. I hadn’t given them my best shot and studied too much and slogged for them so I thought a 90%-92% would be good enough. I always thought it would be a 90 but according to my mom it would be 92%. So the day of the results dawned. I was in a very remote village on top of a small hill in Sikkim with no cellular network connection and was feeling a bit anxious of how I would get the news. Finally I walked down the hill in the evening to the STD booth there to make a call to my friend back home. She checked out my result and read out the marks to me in an excited voice and calculating the percentage I could not believe the result. It was 94%. 28 marks more than what I thought it would be. I asked if she was sure and if she was seeing the right persons marks, Well the result was of Shronit Sanjay Ladhani and that surely was me. So I ran up the mountain as fast as I could with a bounce in my step that must have been visible from a kilometer away for as soon as I reached up all my family and cousins and all jumped up and asked ‘How much?’

‘94%!!’ I screamed
i jutz love sikkim...breath taking...