In India the IIT’s (Indian Institutes of Technology) are the premier engineering colleges. The admission to these takes place through the JEE (joint entrance exam) which is taken by about 5 lakh students every year of which finally only about ten thousand get admission (about 2%) and is rumoured to be the toughest exam for entering an under-grad university. Except for this there are two more major exams the AIEEE and the Maharashtra state CET which is taken by every engineering aspirant from Maharashtra. As the IITs are the most coveted there a number of institutes coaching one for taking the JEE. IIT’ians Pace is one of those famous ones in Mumbai. Understandingly to score well in the JEE is very difficult with one having only aim for the period of two years that is to study, study and study. You spend like almost the whole day studying slowly cutting down on everything and all forms of your social life. So the question was do I want to do that? Do I want to spend two years of my life eating, drinking, sleeping and dreaming books? Well the ones who did and succeeded in getting in say it is worth it but what about the remaining 98%? Also did I want to live for 6 years (4 of engineering and 2 of post graduation) out of my house in a hostel sharing my room, having common bathrooms, eating in a mess and all having no idea how the food and all would be, especially if I don’t get into the major ones like the one in Mumbai or Delhi and end up in a place like Roorkee or Guwahati? For a 15 year old who had never stayed in a hostel before it was all too much to consider. Would the cleanliness be fine was also a major concern for me because my allergy to dust further aggravated my asthma.

I was told that if you have the passion, the brains the will to work all day you could get in. Even after doing all this it was yet a could. Well I think I could be having the brains for it but the will to go through all this? Didn’t know about that. So I thought why not try it out? Lets give it a shot see how it works, see if I enjoy it and if it really interests me then its cool otherwise big deal I could always fall back upon the CET.
So Pace here I come.
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